I'm married to a wonderful, loving man. I have a smarty lil pants for a dog. He's a silky terrier BTW.I'm a beauty & makeup enthusiast and running a business that involves that is one thing I'm very thankful for. Art is my passion, I love meaningful or pretty little things.
In this world where life seems grimmer and lonelier, I'm still able to find beauty in every little thing and every single soul (with a few exceptions LOL). Apart from a few darker moments, I'm generally an optimist not by nature but through years of practice. I'm a strong believer in optimism being the key to success & happiness. This little space of mine shall register the journey of my life and thank you for dropping by and sharing your thoughts with me. Have fun reading :D
to jimmy : i jz realize i put the wrong birthdate on the ID...shiat...so lazy wnna do another new 1...haha...