Friday, August 07, 2009

-| Dare to Dream |-

I always believe that having a DREAM is the key to the path of success. Simply because of the saying:

"watch your thoughts, for they become words.
watch your words, for they become actions.
watch your actions, for they become habits.
watch your habits, for they become character.
watch your character, for it becomes your destiny."

MoofMoof and I both have a DREAM. We want to be financially independent and retire by the age of 35. Yes, it sounds difficult but it is not impossible. WHY do we place ourselves with such a difficult challenge? The answer to that is very simple: TIME is GOLD. We don't want to have to spend the rest of our life working our ass off for someone else and missing out on life. Life is not about the expensive and luxury things that the world has to offer but simple things like watching our children grow, sitting down for dinners with friends and family laughing over silly things and being able to take in what the world has to offer and see how beautiful it actually is.

These simple things in life are very dear to us, thus we will do whatever it takes to make our DREAM come true. We are truly grateful to have wonderful friends and family who stand by us and cheer us on while we embark on our journey to reach our DREAM. Thank you people, we love you!

5 cents:

  1. Katana said...
    You and I seem to be opposites, Samantha! I wish to live my life wildly. It's not about the little things, it's about the huge adventures and the insane experiences that not everyone gets to live. I NEVER want to retire. I want a job that I love so much that it becomes as much a part of me as my dogs, my car and my lovers.

    Good luck with your dream - your dream sounds fantastic! - even if it's not the same as mine :-)

    In the end, it's all about being happy, no?
    Jimmy Ang said...
    Wishing you all the best girl.
    Nick Phillips (15/03/1967 - 04/11/2022) said...
    Hey, all the best in your dreams :D I'm sure you guys would have no problem achieving it :D

    I dream to be supreme ruler of this earth by the time I hit 45, a couple of years left to achieve that dream ... LOL!
    Samantha said...
    Katana : To me retirement is not "not working". Being able to retire to me, is being financially independent and not have to work because I need to but because I want to. I don't look forward to retiring like most folks where they sit in their retiring apartment seeping coffee everyday not knowing what to do next. I would love to work at a job I love to without even having to worry if they pay me enough and to be able to take time off anytime I want to to do all the crazy things in the world :D

    Zeemi : Thanks buddy!

    Nick Philips : Thanks dude. Eh when you become the ruler of the earth don't forget me okeh?
    katana said...
    Samantha - alright, then you and I have the same view of retirement!

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