Sunday, May 10, 2009

-| My Favourite Of All Soup |-

Kiam Chai Ark (sour mustard duck soup) is one of my favourite soup. I can even eat it with plain white rice. It's a Malaysian Nyonya dish that my grandmother serves every Chinese New Year. The recipe I'm giving today is not the original recipe but one of my variation.

Ingredients (makes 4-5 servings) :
  • 1/2 duck cut into pieces, wash and drain
  • 1 packet sour mustard which you can find in most asian market like Ranch 99. Chop in pieces and rinse once
  • 2 tomatoes cut into sixth each
  • 1 packet of soft tofu cut into 1 inch cube
  • 1 Onion chop into cubes
  • 6 slices of ginger
Directions :
  1. Put 1.5 litres of water in a pot. Add the duck and bring to a boil.
  2. Add the sour mustard, tomatoes, onion and ginger. Simmer for half an hour.
  3. Then add the soft tofu and simmer for another half an hour.
  4. Finally add salt to taste if necessary.
Serving suggestions : Rice and 1 or 2 side dish.

I've not taken any picture to accompany this recipe but I hope you enjoy it nonetheless.

2 cents:

  1. The Real Mother Hen said...
    Oh haven't had Kiam Chai Ark for ages.
    In fact, haven't had Kiam Chai for ages.
    Can't even remember the smell of it now.
    Samantha said...
    The Real Mother Hen: You know what Kiam Chai Ark is? OMG, are you from Malaysia too???

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