Sunday, May 10, 2009

-| Weekend BBQ |-

Sunny, windy, chilly, fun, crazy, hot dogs, cheese burgers, chicken wings, salad, beers, delicious, tiring - those are words to summarize our barbeque party in Golden Garden. 

Called my mom later in the day to wish her Happy Mother's Day. No celebration or whatsoever here in Seattle. MIL too busy to be bothered. Haven't seen her the whole day. The husband says they never celebrate. End of story.

p/s: Miss my family back home so very much. They are still the best!

4 cents:

  1. Kat Argonza | Tough Girl 101 said...
    That looks totally awesome and fun!
    Nick Phillips (15/03/1967 - 04/11/2022) said...
    Wah, a BBQ. Now that sounds like fun and by the looks of it, it was fun :D
    The Real Mother Hen said...
    What a beautiful day, all sunny, not a cloud in your pictures. Oh that reminds me, summer is almost here, almost! :)
    Samantha said...
    Kat Argonza: It was really fun. The beach was buzzing with life.

    Nick Philips: Yea, summer's almost here. Everyone is mostly out during the day especially weekends

    The Real Mother Hen: Yay! Love summer. I can't wait to swim in the sea!

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