Monday, July 14, 2008

-| Be Blessed |-

There are enough goodness to go around for everyone in life. Though most of the time we are too caught up in the buzz of life. Piles and piles of work and trains after trains of traffic engulfed all the goodness in us and around us. Day in and day out we complain, we whine of how pathetic our life is and how life is so unfair, how unfortunate we are and how lonely we are. Getting too preoccupied with our own emotional mumbo jumbo we forget about so many millions out there who are so much more unfortunate. Drowned by modernity and propagation of urban beliefs we lost our way. Gratitude and being blessed becomes an ancient feeling. I don't blame you for not seeing it. We all need to be reminded once in a while of the good things that are around us and of the good things we have in us. Whenever you feel less fortunate, picture the victims of Cyclone in Myanmar, Earthquake in Si Chuan and war infested countries. So many homeless and starving, striving hard to make by and yet feeling thankful each day for they are still alive.

It's time for us to go hand in hand and spread some love and kindness all around the world. You can always drop a kind contribution (it does not always has to be money, it can be in the form of support, skills or kind encouraging words as long as it brings a certain kind of comfort for the people in need) at or any other voluntary foundation you believe in.


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