Wednesday, July 02, 2008

-| Gone With The Wind |-

Teehehehe , not exactly gone with the wind but more like gone with AirAsia. I'll be flying down to Singapore day after today to be with my God-Family and to meet my friends. This would be my last visit...well at least the last for the near few years. I can't just hop back and forth from Seattle to Singapore now, can I? While I'm still in Penang, I wanna make good use of the time I have to visit friends and family near and a little far from home.

As this little trip is meant for visiting, I might not be able to pop in here as often to scribble down my nonsensicality. All the same I'll still attempt to creep in once in a while ^^ ... Wish me a great weekend! See ya!

4 cents:

  1. Perky said...
    Have a great weekend hun!!
    Samantha said...
    Thanks babe! you have a great one too! Ask McChef to whip up a candle light dinner for you ^^
    Perky said...
    Hey girl, how you make the links of the blogs show their updates? Like the one you have on the right-hand side of your blog.

    I damn bengang with my layout. Thinking of revamping it *sigh*
    Samantha said...
    orh that's easy babe...just add a page element...choose blogroll as your page element ^^...and voila you have your own updates of your favorite blogs ^^

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