Thursday, April 16, 2009

-| A Pleasant Greeting |-

I woke up feeling good and fresh this morning. Put on the music, brushed my teeth, showered and put on a nice warm purple dress with my 3 quarter tights. 

As I pull open the curtains, the sun was shining through and I was pleasantly greeted by beautiful, blooming tulips dancing with the wind. What a wonderful morning. I love working on days like these. Inspiration flows through with ease. My hands feels light and fast and they work like magic. A nicer day always equals to a more progressive day.

I love spring

5 cents:

  1. Jimmy Ang said...
    no Tulip in Malaysia... thus I can never understand your feeling.
    Samantha said...
    hahaha...well use your imagination and imagine lo :D
    "ME N MY MILLION DOLLAR" said...
    what about sending some bulb or seed to me, l have green fingers you know,the tulip is beautiful....l can see you have green fingers too.
    Mhar's Display said...
    Good for you. You already did Spring cleaning. Me? Nah, I am too lazy :) I just take away the clutters and tidy up things. I keep almost everything in the house.
    By the way, I appreciate your comments :) And I like the flower.
    Samantha said...
    Me N My Million Dollar: I would gladly send them to you except they can't grow in tropical countries >< . They need that cold and dry winter time to prep for spring blooming. Don't worry though, I'll be heading to a tulip festival and will share lotsa pictures with you :D

    Mhar's Display: I have the habit of throwing away broken stuff and giving away stuff that I no longer use to keep my room less cluttered. I appreciate your comments too :D

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