Saturday, April 11, 2009

Some of you might know and some of you might not, but the first Starbucks was founded in Downtown Seattle at Pike Place Market. It's about a 20 minutes drive from my place so what the heck, lets go check out the first Starbucks to see what it looks like or how special it is. It didn't disappoint me at all. I did enjoy my trip down there as it was warm, sunny and the place was buzzing with life and I had a great lunch in La Panier (french bakery) and an awesome wine tasting session in La Buona Tavola (a small little truffle cafe). Anyway here's a picture that I took in front of Starbucks :

so can you spot the difference?

5 cents:

  1. Perky said...
    They've changed the logo from green to brown. And you can really see the mermaid's breast.
    Samantha said...
    They didn't change it. That's the first original starbucks logo. The green one that we see everyday is the new logo because people think that the old one is too offensive.
    Nick Phillips (15/03/1967 - 04/11/2022) said...
    Gee, I looked and looked and looked and saw nothing ... LOL!
    Perky said...
    Owh... all this while I thought that the ones I've been seeing is the original one (shows how little I know about starbucks huh. lol!)
    Samantha said...
    Nick Philips: I think you need an extra pair of glasses LOL!

    Perky: I was just like you until MoofMoof enlightened me about the history of Starbucks. Though I still don't quite get it LOL

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