Tuesday, October 13, 2009

-| Project Makeover |-

Name of project : Threading Mania
Objective : To thin out and shape the eyebrow
Model : Tomo
Result :

Guess which is before and which is after? right or left? It's pretty obvious right? If you can't guess it right, I would suggest for you to get your eyes checked.

p/s: He's a Japanese so it's normal for him to have trimmed eyebrows so no judging/complaining

4 cents:

  1. JPGamer015 said...
    lol nice. very professionally compared.
    JPGamer015 said...
    i jus realized i'm wearing the same shirt.
    Nick Phillips (15/03/1967 - 04/11/2022) said...
    Ok, I think I need my eyes tested ... LOL!
    Samantha said...
    JPGamer015: haha yes you were

    Nick Philips: A thicker glasses would do the trick else you can always click to enlarge the picture :p

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