Wednesday, January 14, 2009

-| I Plan Not To Fail |-

I never made new year resolutions before because I know by the end of the year, when it's time to reflect on them, nothing would've changed. I'm the kind of person who likes to procastinate things and do it at the very last minute or not do it at all. That being said, I'm not the type who doesn't plan for the future. In fact, I have a long list of things I want for the future; I wanna buy a house, I wanna start my own business, I want a fulfilling life, I wanna travel the world and so on and so forth.

Thus to make things easier for myself, I break them down into smaller goals which I call "My Weekly Goals". I make simple, achievable goals every week that will eventually lead me to my final goals. By the end of the week I'd review my goals and see if I've achieved all of them. If I don't, I'd make sure to try harder the following week. This way I don't feel so much like a sore loser for not being able to achieve anything at all. Besides, it helps me reassess my long term goal from time to time to see if they are still significant. 

This week nontheless I've made a list of things that I want to achieve by the end of the week.
1. I want to make at least 4 ugly pals (those ugly softies I've been making these days)
2. I want to help Roccio (my 3 year old silky) overcome his separation anxiety
3. No eating out except for Friday, Saturday & Sunday
4. Start living healthy by sleeping early and waking early
5. Spend more quality time with MoofMoof
6. Call my family back home at least once
7. Get to know my new friends better

Finally, I aimed to achieve at least 5 out of the 7 goals that I set. 

6 cents:

  1. Redbabe said...
    sounds good... achievable :) probably I should do that too... weekly reso... good luck girl :)
    KA said...
    and who is moofmoof?
    Jimmy Ang said...
    i read it twice. nothing about your old friends. damn it.
    Samantha said...

    Redbabe: Good luck to you too!

    ToughGirl 101: MoofMoof is the man you see on my blog header. He's my crazy yet loving husband

    Zeemi: Ala jgn la merajuk. I got spend time to chat with you guys ma. Hugs!

    Anonymous said...
    how's the goal thing going? I don't have the self-discipline for that kind of stuff XD good luck with yours!
    Nick Phillips (15/03/1967 - 04/11/2022) said...
    Sounds like a good idea but I don't think it would work for me. I'm the sort of live by the day kinda guy :D

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