Thursday, September 10, 2009

-| Notty Boys! |-

Went shopping yesterday with my little sister to cheer her up and to exchange a broken necklace. We walked pass a kid whom I assume is about 13-14 years old. Guess he's just weird or his hormone is running wild. He looked at us funny and said "Hi there!". I looked back and give him a 5 second look, MEAN one. He got scared and we continue walking.

Today, as I was walking out of the house with my little sister, again a kid in a passing school bus shouted, "Hey babe. Wassup? Do you like that?". Because he's such a little kid, my little sister started cracking up. I thought it was funny and laughed too but I also flicked at him. Muahahaha...yes, I'm mean like that, especially to perveted little boys. I think they deserve it because don't try to hit on me when your DICK aren't even fully grown yet. Mess with girls your own age RAWR!

3 cents:

  1. Katana said...
    ha! That's really cute. That's roughly how i feel when teenage boys come and hit on me!!! Sad, but cute in a pathetic puppy-ish way.
    Redbabe said...
    hahaha... how old is your little sis?
    Samantha said...
    Katana: yea, very puppy-ish and that's why it's funny LOL

    Redbabe: my lil sis is 19 (not my biological sis though).

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